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Christmas special?!

Nice! Honestly I thought part ten was the last new Beebo I'd ever see. Good work man, nice to see that you are putting out some flash movies again!
It was great, albeit a bit slow during some parts, but otherwise not too shabby. I hope you make some more Beebo. How about an ester special?

Merry fucking christmas!

Yes finally!

I figured you'd never make another one of these, but at long last! It was pretty funny in the traditional newgrounds sense, but how come it doesn't have any continuity with the previous episode? I was hoping to see a continuation of the princes of time thing you had going in the last episode, what gives?

Pretty good, but try having some more continuity between episodes, realistically these things aren't that hard to make, so I imagine you should be able to pull this off if you decide to continue this series even further.

Good luck and I look forward to any more of these you bestow upon us.

Pretty funny.

I liked it, but I'm quite surprised at the weekly users choice award. I mean it was good, but it wasn't that good. None of the content was original either, it was just a bunch of voice clips dubbed onto Phoenix characters.

Still a decent movie though, I personally thought the My Chemical Romance joke was the funniest scene. Nice job with that one.


The animation was really slick. I loved The random racial and gay slurs were funny as hell. It was quick enough to accommodate the short attention span of clock day.

Really exciting

Totally random and stuff, but the song is great and the translations are really funny because they make no sense at all. It's just all around nutz and makes me feel good. Evangelion is pretty cool too, and definetely makes about as much sense as this!

I didn't think it was that good.

It didn't seem like it flowed as well or had the same feeling of the first. I don't know how to explain it, but it just felt empty somehow. It did nothing to excite me.

And it was pretty lame how you set up a "to be continued" on a two minute flash animation. Especially since there was clearly no hurry to get this done. It's been two and a half years, I'm sure you could have devoted another month or two to making this movie more complete. Dad is not a concept that I expect to have a deep and drawn out story line. It should be something that is complete and fun to watch. When it's done it's done, not continued two years later.

I didn't think the background music was particularly fitting to the mood that was being expressed. I would actually recommend changing the music to something that is a bit more high energy or charged to compliment Dad's out of control behavior.

Maybe it's just me and my interests have grown past flash movies, I don't find many that entertaining these days. Or maybe you'll just receive a bunch of unrealistically high reviews in fan response to your previous success. Whatever, I hope my review was somewhat helpful.

Overall I was disappointed, sorry.


I was pleased with my surprise of this being just as good as the second installment! Excellent work and I hope you make a few more, it's silly and relaxing entertainment. I like the voices too.


I used to watch the power rangers when I was in elementary school and I still remember the first season and how they would always change it around with new casts and stories. Perhaps I found it funnier because of this connection to my past.

That lord Zet guy was the man, better then all the other bitches that took over for him.

And wow, I still remember when you submitted all those crappy TTA movie things a few years ago and you were getting blamed and dissed. I never thought you'd make it, but you did and I'd just like to say congratulations, you certainly proved everyone wrong.

Funny video, not the funniest thing I've ever seen, but it was entertaining and seemed to have a hint of Egoraptor story telling style in it. Perhaps you should contact him and ask him to do some voices for you in the future, he does take requests on occasion. I of course make no guarantees.

Cool video though, Zordon, Alpha, and all the stupid bad guys, it brings back memories, thanks for improving my evening!

Well I'm off to go watch the first one now, I imagine it won't be quite as good, but I always do love surprises.

Not very good. 2/5

It lacked a story, it seemed more like it was intended to be a prologue, however I do not think that in the context of this situation that will suffice for a high score.

The animation was sparse, you had a few drawings, and while they were okay I did not find them to be particularly moving. I also noticed that you simply used digital camera pictures of what is likely your own house, that is not animation or talent and I do not think it mixes well with the hand drawn work you threw in.

Try adding a story, some lines, better art work, more scenes, make something that isn't unsatisfying and lacking a story like this.

Perhaps some people were moved by the apocalyptic overtone you tried to create complete with sad music and people living in fear. I was not.

notorious responds:

this had an incredibly obvious storyline to it. I suggest you watch it a few more times, because the story is pretty well laid out right infront of you.

Rooster Zebra Contemplating Grilled Cheese Sandwich, Oil, 2004

Age 35


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