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I have spent way to much of my time play both halo and counter strike source. And I personally like counterstrike better. I play with a lot of fun people so it all works out good for me.

I guess this movie was kinda funny like when Master Chief's hand got stuck to the plasma grenade! But I think the portrayal of the noob was a bit obnoxious at times. But in the end snake wins because he awped them.

Also I can tell you put plenty of time into the art and animation so bonus points for that.

It was okay.

Not like awesome but okay. Good work. Oh and you should try and turn up the volume on the voice acting. It is kinda low compared to the sound effects. I had to turn my speakers way up.

Man you got screwed over BIG TIME!

How did this not get an award or anything!?! I mean the sounds and effects were all done so well! And the story was great! I loved how you gave it a darker roll. It's not very common to see a sprite parody that off's all the heros. This made it a lot more interesting. So yeah I'm suprised this got no recognition or placement in VG parodys. You should email Tom and ask him to put it there. Both the voting and review score are certainly high enough.

Can't wait to see the next one!

Oh and one tiny glitch you might want to fix is this small white line that sometimes appears on the edges of the screen. Just shrink the movie dimensions a little. That should fix it.

luigi-dude12 responds:

ya.. thx

I love this song!

It was funny, catchy, and I've listened to it too many times already!
Magical Trevor is shit compared to this!
Some people have been complaining about the animation, but I thought it fit pretty well with the song. Like I didn't mind the fact that it was sloppy in some parts. The huge number of characters made up for it. And the drawing of Chuck Noris was done well. Like the differen't shades on his face.

If you keep songs up like this you could actually get somewhere in the music industry. This pwns American Idol shit. I liked you anti ebaum song too.

Is your CD sold in stores? Oh and I think Trapezoid is a better name then Lemon Demon.

Can't wait to see what you come up with next!

Tight pictures!

I haven't seen stuff like this in awhile. GJ!

Yes Yes Yes!

It was interesting. Funny in a laid back kind of way. Up until now I thought the bad guys were the Green and Blue Guys! Potatoe Juice! Hah! And the whole mango thing. Keep these suckers rollin!

I saw this yesterday

You've got to be one of the longest running NG's vets out there. I remember those hilarious reading rainbow flash's back in the day!
That was what, 6 years ago? 5?
Yeah so I thought it was pretty good, and it was kind of ironic. But wouldn't that Walmart Truck driver go to jail for killing someone and have to use most of his prize money on bail? Yeah yes yessy yesin.

Heh kinda funny!

Nice job with this one! Lolerskatesers! The barriers and sturdy table thing was funny!

BadFlashProductions responds:

thanks for the review man.

Rooster Zebra Contemplating Grilled Cheese Sandwich, Oil, 2004

Age 35


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