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Nice game.

The graphics were not all the great but it was fun to play. But I cant kill the grey ninja after you connect the wires. Is he even killable? I've been pressing the mouse button as fast as I possibly can. After around 20 tries I think the most I hit him was 7 times in a row. Is their some Secret to defeating him?

Outraged-Josh responds:

Yeah, u should go check out the 2nd version:) Yes, people have killed him, well thanks anyway!


I found it rather amusing. The team America song was a great too!

That was a sweet game!

Excellent work creating this. It was pretty damn funny and also a great remake of Kung Fu. This is how the game should have been. Just being able to jump up in the air and kick someones head clean off was great. The only problem I had with it was the inconviently placed special attacks. The buttons should be right above the attack controls. The specials were kinda useless since by the time I moved up on the key board and waited for the special to fire I had already gotten clobered. On another hand I have to ask where the hell is Kung Fu 4? Its been quite awhile since you released Kung Fu 3 and I was really looking forward to a sequel. I pretty much figured you quit flash until I saw this on the front page today. This is is great and I hope you finish it KF 4 sometime!

It was okay except that.

The controls were a bit unresponsive. I have a fast new computer with plenty of RAM too. Even with the quality set to low it seemed to respond to late every so often. Mabe its just me but good effort.

Kytempa responds:


For a first flash movie

You did a pretty good job. The animation wasnt great but it was fun. It got a lot harder in the higher levels. Good job.

It was pretty funny although a bit disturbing

Oh and to the 14 year old... Since when was it very christian to swear at people you disagree with. Calling someone and asshole and a bastard because they enjoyed the movie does not seem like the christian thing to do. A real christian would have just explained how the movie offended him and how he would hope that other people would realise that the movie was wrong. Instead you called everybody a bastard that would burn in hell for being such assholes as to watch and/or enjoy the movie.

It was okay I guess.

But not the best it could have been.

io3creations responds:

What would make the game better?

It was pretty cool.

I liked the C4 suit and the boomerang one.


Good for a 15k file size. Although it does get a bit boring after awhile. I got 37 saves.


That was cool. Ive never seen anything like this before. And all the extra places to shoot him only made it better. my favriot is shootin the gun of his hand and in the knee. Also when are you gonna make a new idiots anonymous episode. Its been 2 fuckin years since ep. 5. maby more.

Rooster Zebra Contemplating Grilled Cheese Sandwich, Oil, 2004

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